There are any number of ways development teams can work together to make sure they are improving as a group and as individuals. In this episode we talk about the benefits of setting up a process, abstracting knowledge and mentorship. We discuss how a team can setup a working process, how to abstract and share domain knowledge and what a supportive mentorship culture looks like. When development teams have a process, knowledge sharing and a learning based culture everyone can grow in their development careers.
There are any number of ways development teams can work together to make sure they are improving as a group and as individuals. In this episode we talk with Tracy Lee (@ladyleet), JavaScript developer and CEO of ThisDotLabs, about the benefits of process, abstraction and mentorship. Tracy talks about how her team uses the "P.A.M stack" to support growth and improvements for all developers. We discuss how a team can setup a process that works for them, how to abstract out and share domain knowledge between developers and what a supportive mentorship culture can do for individuals and teams. When you and your team have a process that works for you, are able to share knowledge and provide a learning based culture, everyone will have an environment to grow in their development careers.